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Workout Tips from a Celebrity Fitness Trainer
September 2, 2021 at 4:00 AM
Follow these tips from a celebrity fitness trainer.

Working out is an essential part of living a healthy life. Regular exercise improves your heart health, counteracts mental and emotional disorders, and increases your chances of living a longer, more productive life. However, it can also be intimidating and complicated for someone who is just getting started.

The celebrity fitness trainer here at Bmorefitbody POSSE understands how beneficial exercise is, and I want to break down any barriers that may be holding you back from committing to a workout routine. That’s why I’m sharing these helpful tips for anyone who wants to learn more about exercising properly.

Celebrity fitness trainer’s workout advice.

Understand the different types of exercise routines.

Exercise is a broad term that encompasses various types of workouts, and understanding the differences between each can help you decide which one is best suited to meet your goals.

Strength training.

Also known as resistance training, this is used to build muscle and tone your entire body. It could be lifting weights, using resistance bands, or your own body weight to exercise different muscles in your body.

Interval training.

This type of workout is where you alternate high-intensity periods of exercise with low-intensity ones within a single activity. One example would be sprinting for two minutes, walking for two minutes, and repeating. It’s a helpful way to prolong a workout and burn calories.

Cardio and aerobic exercise.

These are great ways to bolster your heart health and improve your lung capacity. Essentially, aerobic workouts are anything that gets you out of your chair and moving around. It can be running, swimming, walking, dancing, hiking, or yoga.

Find a workout buddy.

Even the most famous celebrity fitness trainers have days where they struggle to find the motivation and energy to work out, but one way you can avoid this type of slump is to have a partner you exercise with. This creates a sense of accountability and can give you extra motivation during your workout.

If you don’t have anyone whose schedule aligns with yours, you can look into joining an exercise class or hiring a personal trainer. This provides yet another reason to convince yourself to work out because otherwise, you’re paying for a service you’re not using.

Fuel up for your workout the right way.

Carbohydrates are essential to getting an effective workout because they are the fuel source for most exercises. Before doing any activity, eat a small snack consisting of healthy carbs such as whole-wheat toast, low-fat yogurt, or brown rice.

It’s also crucial that you remain hydrated during your workout, so make sure you drink plenty of water before exercising. Keep a water bottle nearby, too, so you can rehydrate mid-workout, and follow it up with a sports drink afterward to replenish your electrolytes.

Don’t focus on the amount of weight.

Too many people who are just getting started with exercise think that the amount of weight they can lift is all that matters. In actuality, though, any celebrity fitness trainer will tell you that your form should be your primary focus.

Lifting weights with improper form isn’t just less effective, but it also increases the likelihood of you injuring yourself. Work with someone who can show you the right way to do it, and then slowly increase the weight over time without sacrificing your form.

Do you want more advice from a celebrity fitness trainer?

Take your workout routine to the next level by partnering with Bmorefitbody POSSE. My goal is to help you ditch your bad habits and enjoy a vibrant life using an innovative process that’ll result in a total transformation. You can check out some testimonials from my previous clients, or get in touch to start your new exercise journey today.

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