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The most popular personal fitness goals for the new year
January 4, 2022 at 8:00 AM
A man at a bench press with an American flag in the background.

A new year means new possibilities. To maximize your success in the new year, setting personal fitness goals is essential. However, it is hard to identify and set goals, and it is even harder to accomplish them. Luckily, with Bmorefitbody Posse, you are in expert hands. We provide the same service to you that we provide the stars through unequaled, customized fitness plans and a dedication to helping you live a better life. Even better, we guarantee results. With us, you are the architect of your future and your health.

Here are common New Year's fitness goals:

General personal fitness goals

When considering personal fitness goals, some of the most popular targets are more generic. Overall, general fitness goals trend toward long-term goals. Read more below:

Shedding fat

Shedding fat ranks among the most common fitness goals, especially after the holidays. However, to see results, it is crucial to seek counsel to modify your lifestyle, workout routine, and diet from a personal trainer.

Building muscle

Not everyone has weight issues. Many people enter the new year aiming to build muscles. Typically, this involves long weight-lifting sessions and increased protein intake. Consulting a personal trainer is critical to maximize gains and prevent injury.

Improving endurance

For some, simply enhancing endurance is their goal. Several exercises can improve endurance. Still, a personal trainer is the best route to see results. Afterward, scaling the stairs will feel less like a trek and more like a breeze.

Improving flexibility

People often forget to focus on their flexibility, but flexibility is vital to your overall fitness and health. Still, improving flexibility can be dangerous if you are untrained, so it is advisable to work under the guidance of a personal trainer.


If you are disinterested in building mass and have minimal fat to lose, toning is the perfect goal. However, toning requires extensive and granular dietary adjustments and considerable independent work.

Specific personal fitness goals

Alternatively, some people are entering the new year with specific goals. For optimal results, set both specific and general fitness goals. Specific goals are excellent benchmarks to measure progress. The most popular specific goals include:

Doing your first pull-up

Pull-ups are harder than they look, and achieving one is a true milestone. Upper body muscle mass and fat composition are significant variables, and there are myriad methods and exercises to help achieve a pull-up. Moreover, after completing your first pull-up, continue to build and increase reps.

Participating in a race

One of the best tests for cardio is to run a half marathon or full marathon. However, both races require extensive commitment and discipline to prepare. Still, remember completing a race is an accomplishment in and of itself.

Deadlifting twice your weight

A common lifting goal is to deadlift twice your body weight. Still, it is one of the most dangerous fitness ambitions without proper personal trainer supervision and training.

Doing a handstand

Handstands are often considered an impressive trick. However, they require ample upper body strength and shoulder mobility to execute. Still, it is imperative to seek expert guidance to determine if it is a suitable target for you.

Get in touch to get started!

If you are ready to conquer the new year, Bmorefitbody Posse is Baltimore’s leading ally in that crusade. With over 25 years of industry experience, we tailor personal fitness plans for each client like we do for celebrities. Moreover, we understand the value of a holistic approach and emphasize mental health as a primary source of physical health. Get in touch to get started! A new year means new victories, and we cannot wait to enjoy them with you.

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